The concept of zero dating

In a recent TED Talk, Christina Wallace, a public speaker and entrepreneur, shared how she used her MBA skill set to invent a zero date approach that helped her get off swipe-based dating apps. Zero dates may seem like the latest trend in dating, but they’re a much older concept.

It’s a 2022 makeover

There is no doubt that the dating game can be a bit overwhelming at times. From breadcrumbing to love bombing and zombieing, there are a number of ways that people try and weed out potential match ups before they actually meet face-to-face. However, there is now a new trend emerging that could make the entire process much simpler. This new concept is known as zero dating.

Essentially, this is a way of shortening the often forced talking stage to see if a potential match is worth a real first date. Moreover, it also gives potential match ups a chance to see if they can stand each other’s company.

However, clinical sexologist and relationship coach Ness Cooper cautions that this is not really a new phenomenon. Moreover, she notes that zero dates don’t necessarily have to take place in person and can be done via phone or video call. In fact, she suggests that it can be a much more efficient way of screening a potential love interest.

It’s a more practical way of gauging a potential romantic affiliation

The concept of zero dates is a more practical way of gauging a potential romantic affiliation. Instead of meeting someone for a first date and potentially being disappointed, the zero date allows you to see if your online chemistry is real and whether the two of you have enough interest in each other to continue dating.

During a zero date, you can size up a man’s world view, his interests, and his goals for the future. You can also determine if you have the same values and interests. This will help you decide if you want to pursue a relationship with this man.

It’s a good idea to meet for drinks during your zero date, but you can skip the alcohol altogether if that’s more your style. This way, you can save time and energy by only dating people you are interested in. This strategy will prevent heartbreak and allow you to make better decisions in the future.

It’s a way of ignoring red flags

There are a lot of red flags that can pop up when dating someone online. Some can be obvious, but others are more subtle. For example, if your match gets snippy when you’re taking too long to respond to them, or they ask for personal information that you don’t feel comfortable sharing, that’s a big red flag.

Luckily, it seems like there’s a way to get around all that unnecessary talking and wasting of time – zero dates. A zero date is essentially a pre-first-date meeting where you determine whether or not it’s worth getting to know someone properly. It was first popularized in 2018 by podcaster and entrepreneur Christina Wallace in her TED Talk on using her MBA skill set to invent a “zero date” approach and quit using swipe-based apps.

However, clinical sexologist and relationship coach Ness Cooper explains that zero dates have been around for years in different formats. She adds that it’s important not to get caught up on the latest viral vocab word or trend.

It’s a gamble

In a world of viral vocab words and dating trends, the concept of zero dates may seem like just another one of them. But if done correctly, it could be a more practical way of gauging a potential romantic affiliation.

Sometimes, you can create a lot of chemistry on a dating app and feel very close to someone but when you meet them in person the connection isn’t there. Or, you could find a person that’s not what you expected and end up in a relationship that’s not right for you.

With this in mind, zero dating can be a useful tool to avoid these kinds of heartbreaks. However, if you’re not careful, it can also lead to heartbreak and waste of time. So, you should always keep your eyes open to red flags and try not to get caught up in the hype. Instead, trust that what’s meant for you will find its way.